{$INCLUDE ..\cDefines.inc} unit cDateTime; { } { DateTime functions v3.09 } { } { This unit is copyright © 1999-2004 by David J Butler } { } { This unit is part of Delphi Fundamentals. } { Its original file name is cDateTime.pas } { The latest version is available from the Fundamentals home page } { http://fundementals.sourceforge.net/ } { } { I invite you to use this unit, free of charge. } { I invite you to distibute this unit, but it must be for free. } { I also invite you to contribute to its development, } { but do not distribute a modified copy of this file. } { } { A forum is available on SourceForge for general discussion } { http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?forum_id=2117 } { } { } { Notes: } { A good source of information on calendars is the FAQ ABOUT CALENDARS, } { available at http://www.tondering.dk/claus/calendar.html } { } { Note the following (and more) is available in SysUtils: } { Function IsLeapYear (Year : Word) : Boolean } { (1 = Sunday .. 7 = Saturday) } { Function EncodeDate (Year, Month, Day : Word) : TDateTime; } { Procedure DecodeDate (D : DateTime; var Year, Month, Day : Word); } { var ShortDayNames, LongDayNames, ShortMonthNames, LongMonthNames : Array } { } { } { Revision history: } { 1999/11/10 0.01 Initial version from scratch. Add functions. DayOfYear. } { 1999/11/21 0.02 EasterSunday function. Diff functions. ISOInteger. } { 2000/03/04 1.03 Moved RFC functions to cInternetStandards. } { 2000/03/05 1.04 Added Time Zone functions from cInternetStandards. } { 2000/05/03 1.05 Added ISO Week functions, courtesy of Martin Boonstra } { <m.boonstra@imn.nl> } { 2000/08/16 1.06 Fixed bug in GMTBias reported by Gerhard Steinwedel } { <steinwedel@gmx.de> } { 2001/12/22 2.07 Added RFC DateTime functions from cInternetStandards. } { 2002/01/10 3.08 Fixed bug with negative values in AddMonths as } { reported by Michael Valentiner <MichaelVB@gmx.de> } { 2004/02/22 3.09 Fixed bug in RFCDateTimeToGMTDateTime. } { } interface uses { Delphi } SysUtils; const UnitName = 'cDateTime'; UnitVersion = '3.09'; UnitDesc = 'Date/Time functions'; UnitCopyright = 'Copyright (c) 1999-2004 David J Butler'; { } { Exception } { } type EDateTime = class(Exception); { } { Decoding } { } {$IFNDEF DELPHI6_UP} procedure DecodeDateTime(const DateTime: TDateTime; var Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, Millisecond: Word); {$ENDIF} function Century(const D: TDateTime): Word; function Year(const D: TDateTime): Word; function Month(const D: TDateTime): Word; function Day(const D: TDateTime): Word; function Hour(const D: TDateTime): Word; function Minute(const D: TDateTime): Word; function Second(const D: TDateTime): Word; function Millisecond(const D: TDateTime): Word; const OneDay = 1.0; OneWeek = OneDay * 7; OneHour = OneDay / 24.0; OneMinute = OneHour / 60.0; OneSecond = OneMinute / 60.0; OneMillisecond = OneSecond / 1000.0; { } { Encoding } { } {$IFNDEF DELPHI6_UP} function EncodeDateTime(const Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, Millisecond: Word): TDateTime; {$ENDIF} procedure SetYear(var D: TDateTime; const Year: Word); procedure SetMonth(var D: TDateTime; const Month: Word); procedure SetDay(var D: TDateTime; const Day: Word); procedure SetHour(var D: TDateTime; const Hour: Word); procedure SetMinute(var D: TDateTime; const Minute: Word); procedure SetSecond(var D: TDateTime; const Second: Word); procedure SetMillisecond(var D: TDateTime; const Milliseconds: Word); { } { Comparison } { } function IsEqual(const D1, D2: TDateTime): Boolean; overload; function IsEqual(const D1: TDateTime; const Ye, Mo, Da: Word): Boolean; overload; function IsEqual(const D1: TDateTime; const Ho, Mi, Se, ms: Word): Boolean; overload; function IsAM(const D: TDateTime): Boolean; function IsPM(const D: TDateTime): Boolean; function IsMidnight(const D: TDateTime): Boolean; function IsNoon(const D: TDateTime): Boolean; function IsSunday(const D: TDateTime): Boolean; function IsMonday(const D: TDateTime): Boolean; function IsTuesday(const D: TDateTime): Boolean; function IsWedneday(const D: TDateTime): Boolean; function IsThursday(const D: TDateTime): Boolean; function IsFriday(const D: TDateTime): Boolean; function IsSaturday(const D: TDateTime): Boolean; function IsWeekend(const D: TDateTime): Boolean; { } { Relative date/times } { } function Noon(const D: TDateTime): TDateTime; function Midnight(const D: TDateTime): TDateTime; function FirstDayOfMonth(const D: TDateTime): TDateTime; function LastDayOfMonth(const D: TDateTime): TDateTime; function NextWorkday(const D: TDateTime): TDateTime; function PreviousWorkday(const D: TDateTime): TDateTime; function FirstDayOfYear(const D: TDateTime): TDateTime; function LastDayOfYear(const D: TDateTime): TDateTime; function EasterSunday(const Year: Word): TDateTime; function GoodFriday(const Year: Word): TDateTime; function AddMilliseconds(const D: TDateTime; const N: Int64): TDateTime; function AddSeconds(const D: TDateTime; const N: Int64): TDateTime; function AddMinutes(const D: TDateTime; const N: Integer): TDateTime; function AddHours(const D: TDateTime; const N: Integer): TDateTime; function AddDays(const D: TDateTime; const N: Integer): TDateTime; function AddWeeks(const D: TDateTime; const N: Integer): TDateTime; function AddMonths(const D: TDateTime; const N: Integer): TDateTime; function AddYears(const D: TDateTime; const N: Integer): TDateTime; { } { Counting } { } { DayOfYear and WeekNumber start at 1. } { WeekNumber is not the ISO week number but the week number where week one } { starts at Jan 1. } { For reference: ISO standard 8601:1988 - (European Standard EN 28601). } { "It states that a week is identified by its number in a given year. } { A week begins with a Monday (day 1) and ends with a Sunday (day 7). } { The first week of a year is the one which includes the first Thursday } { (day 4), or equivalently the one which includes January 4. } { In other words, the first week of a new year is the week that has the } { majority of its days in the new year." } { ISOFirstWeekOfYear returns the start date (Monday) of the first ISO week } { of a year (may be in the previous year). } { ISOWeekNumber returns the ISO Week number and the year to which the week } { number applies. } { } function DayOfYear(const Ye, Mo, Da: Word): Integer; overload; function DayOfYear(const D: TDateTime): Integer; overload; function DaysInMonth(const Ye, Mo: Word): Integer; overload; function DaysInMonth(const D: TDateTime): Integer; overload; function DaysInYear(const Ye: Word): Integer; function DaysInYearDate(const D: TDateTime): Integer; function WeekNumber(const D: TDateTime): Integer; function ISOFirstWeekOfYear(const Ye: Word): TDateTime; procedure ISOWeekNumber(const D: TDateTime; var WeekNumber, WeekYear: Word); function DateTimeAsISO8601String(const D: TDateTime): String; function ISO8601StringAsDateTime(const D: String): TDateTime; { } { Difference } { Returns difference between two dates (D2 - D1). } { } function DiffMilliseconds(const D1, D2: TDateTime): Int64; function DiffSeconds(const D1, D2: TDateTime): Integer; function DiffMinutes(const D1, D2: TDateTime): Integer; function DiffHours(const D1, D2: TDateTime): Integer; function DiffDays(const D1, D2: TDateTime): Integer; function DiffWeeks(const D1, D2: TDateTime): Integer; function DiffMonths(const D1, D2: TDateTime): Integer; function DiffYears(const D1, D2: TDateTime): Integer; { } { Time Zone } { Uses systems regional settings to convert between local and GMT time. } { } function GMTTimeToLocalTime(const D: TDateTime): TDateTime; function LocalTimeToGMTTime(const D: TDateTime): TDateTime; function NowAsGMTTime: TDateTime; { } { Conversions } { } { ANSI Integer is an integer in the format YYYYDDD (where DDD = day number) } { ISO-8601 Integer date is an integer in the format YYYYMMDD. } { TropicalYear is the time for one orbit of the earth around the sun. } { TwoDigitYearToYear returns the full year number given a two digit year. } { SynodicMonth is the time between two full moons. } { } function DateTimeToANSI(const D: TDateTime): Integer; function ANSIToDateTime(const Julian: Integer): TDateTime; function DateTimeToISOInteger(const D: TDateTime): Integer; function DateTimeToISO(const D: TDateTime): String; function ISOIntegerToDateTime(const ISOInteger: Integer): TDateTime; function TwoDigitRadix2000YearToYear(const Y: Integer): Integer; function DateTimeAsElapsedTime(const D: TDateTime; const IncludeMilliseconds: Boolean = False): String; { } { RFC DateTimes } { } { RFC1123 DateTime is the preferred representation on the Internet for all } { DateTime values. } { Use DateTimeToRFCDateTime to convert local time to RFC1123 DateTime. } { Use RFCDateTimeToDateTime to convert RFC DateTime formats to local time. } { Returns 0.0 if not a recognised RFC DateTime. } { See RFC822, RFC850, RFC1123, RFC1036, RFC1945. } { } { From RFC 822 (Standard for the format of ARPA INTERNET Text Messages): } { "time = hour zone ; ANSI and Military } { hour = 2DIGIT ":" 2DIGIT [":" 2DIGIT] ; 00:00:00 - 23:59:59 } { zone = "UT" / "GMT" ; Universal Time } { ; North American : UT } { / "EST" / "EDT" ; Eastern: - 5/ - 4 } { / "CST" / "CDT" ; Central: - 6/ - 5 } { / "MST" / "MDT" ; Mountain: - 7/ - 6 } { / "PST" / "PDT" ; Pacific: - 8/ - 7 } { / 1ALPHA ; Military: Z = UT; } { ; A:-1; (J not used) } { ; M:-12; N:+1; Y:+12 } { / ( ("+" / "-") 4DIGIT ) ; Local differential } { ; hours+min. (HHMM) } { date-time = [ day "," ] date time ; dd mm yy } { ; hh:mm:ss zzz } { day = "Mon" / "Tue" / "Wed" / "Thu" } { / "Fri" / "Sat" / "Sun" } { date = 1*2DIGIT month 2DIGIT ; day month year } { ; e.g. 20 Jun 82 } { month = "Jan" / "Feb" / "Mar" / "Apr" } { / "May" / "Jun" / "Jul" / "Aug" } { / "Sep" / "Oct" / "Nov" / "Dec" " } { } { Note that even though RFC 822 states hour=2DIGIT":"2DIGIT, none of the } { examples given in the appendix include the ":", } { for example: "26 Aug 76 1429 EDT" } { } { } { From RFC 1036 (Standard for Interchange of USENET Messages): } { } { "Its format must be acceptable both in RFC-822 and to the getdate(3) } { routine that is provided with the Usenet software. ... } { One format that is acceptable to both is: } { } { Wdy, DD Mon YY HH:MM:SS TIMEZONE } { } { Note in particular that ctime(3) format: } { } { Wdy Mon DD HH:MM:SS YYYY } { } { is not acceptable because it is not a valid RFC-822 date. However, } { since older software still generates this format, news } { implementations are encouraged to accept this format and translate } { it into an acceptable format. " } { } { "Here is an example of a message in the old format (before the } { existence of this standard). It is recommended that } { implementations also accept messages in this format to ease upward } { conversion. } { } { Posted: Fri Nov 19 16:14:55 1982 " } { } { } { From RFC 1945 (Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.0) } { } { "HTTP/1.0 applications have historically allowed three different } { formats for the representation of date/time stamps: } { } { Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT ; RFC 822, updated by RFC 1123 } { Sunday, 06-Nov-94 08:49:37 GMT ; RFC 850, obsoleted by RFC 1036 } { Sun Nov 6 08:49:37 1994 ; ANSI C's asctime() format } { } { The first format is preferred as an Internet standard and represents } { a fixed-length subset of that defined by RFC 1123 [6] (an update to } { RFC 822 [7]). The second format is in common use, but is based on the } { obsolete RFC 850 [10] date format and lacks a four-digit year. } { HTTP/1.0 clients and servers that parse the date value should accept } { all three formats, though they must never generate the third } { (asctime) format. } { } { Note: Recipients of date values are encouraged to be robust in } { accepting date values that may have been generated by non-HTTP } { applications, as is sometimes the case when retrieving or posting } { messages via proxies/gateways to SMTP or NNTP. " } { } { "All HTTP/1.0 date/time stamps must be represented in Universal Time } { (UT), also known as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), without exception. } { } { HTTP-date = rfc1123-date | rfc850-date | asctime-date } { } { rfc1123-date = wkday "," SP date1 SP time SP "GMT" } { rfc850-date = weekday "," SP date2 SP time SP "GMT" } { asctime-date = wkday SP date3 SP time SP 4DIGIT } { } { date1 = 2DIGIT SP month SP 4DIGIT } { ; day month year (e.g., 02 Jun 1982) } { date2 = 2DIGIT "-" month "-" 2DIGIT } { ; day-month-year (e.g., 02-Jun-82) } { date3 = month SP ( 2DIGIT | ( SP 1DIGIT )) } { ; month day (e.g., Jun 2) } { } { time = 2DIGIT ":" 2DIGIT ":" 2DIGIT } { ; 00:00:00 - 23:59:59 } { } { wkday = "Mon" | "Tue" | "Wed" } { | "Thu" | "Fri" | "Sat" | "Sun" } { } { weekday = "Monday" | "Tuesday" | "Wednesday" } { | "Thursday" | "Friday" | "Saturday" | "Sunday" } { } { month = "Jan" | "Feb" | "Mar" | "Apr" } { | "May" | "Jun" | "Jul" | "Aug" } { | "Sep" | "Oct" | "Nov" | "Dec" " } { } function RFC850DayOfWeek(const S: String): Integer; function RFC1123DayOfWeek(const S: String): Integer; function RFCMonth(const S: String): Word; function GMTTimeToRFC1123Time(const D: TDateTime; const IncludeSeconds: Boolean = False): String; function GMTDateTimeToRFC1123DateTime(const D: TDateTime; const IncludeDayOfWeek: Boolean = True): String; function DateTimeToRFCDateTime(const D: TDateTime): String; function NowAsRFCDateTime: String; function RFCDateTimeToGMTDateTime(const S: String): TDateTime; function RFCDateTimeToDateTime(const S: String): TDateTime; function RFCTimeZoneToGMTBias(const Zone: String): Integer; { } { High-precision timing } { } { StartTimer returns an encoded time (running timer). } { StopTimer returns an encoded elapsed time (stopped timer). } { ResumeTimer returns an encoded time (running timer), given an encoded } { elapsed time (stopped timer). } { StoppedTimer returns an encoded elapsed time of zero, ie a stopped timer } { with no time elapsed. } { MillisecondsElapsed returns the time elapsed, given a running or a stopped } { Timer. } { Times are encoded in CPU clock cycles. } { CPU clock frequency returns the number of CPU clock cycles per second. } { } type THPTimer = Int64; function StartTimer: THPTimer; procedure StopTimer(var Timer: THPTimer); procedure ResumeTimer(var StoppedTimer: THPTimer); function StoppedTimer: THPTimer; function ElapsedTimer(const Milliseconds: Integer): THPTimer; function MillisecondsElapsed(const Timer: THPTimer; const TimerRunning: Boolean = True): Integer; function MicrosecondsElapsed(const Timer: THPTimer; const TimerRunning: Boolean = True): Integer; function CPUClockFrequency: Int64; procedure DelayMicroSeconds(const MicroSeconds: Integer); const TropicalYear = 365.24219 * OneDay; // 365 days, 5 hr, 48 min, 46 sec SynodicMonth = 29.53059 * OneDay; { } { Natural language } { } function TimePeriodStr(const D: TDateTime): String; { } { Self testing code } { } procedure SelfTest; implementation uses { Delphi } Windows, {$IFDEF DELPHI6_UP} DateUtils, {$ENDIF} { Fundamentals } cUtils, cStrings; { } { Decoding } { } function Century(const D: TDateTime): Word; begin Result := Year(D) div 100; end; function Year(const D: TDateTime): Word; var Mo, Da : Word; begin DecodeDate(D, Result, Mo, Da); end; function Month(const D: TDateTime): Word; var Ye, Da : Word; begin DecodeDate(D, Ye, Result, Da); end; function Day(const D: TDateTime): Word; var Ye, Mo : Word; begin DecodeDate(D, Ye, Mo, Result); end; function Hour(const D: TDateTime): Word; var Mi, Se, MS : Word; begin DecodeTime(D, Result, Mi, Se, MS); end; function Minute(const D: TDateTime): Word; var Ho, Se, MS : Word; begin DecodeTime(D, Ho, Result, Se, MS); end; function Second(const D: TDateTime): Word; var Ho, Mi, MS : Word; begin DecodeTime(D, Ho, Mi, Result, MS); end; function Millisecond(const D: TDateTime): Word; var Ho, Mi, Se : Word; begin DecodeTime(D, Ho, Mi, Se, Result); end; {$IFNDEF DELPHI6_UP} procedure DecodeDateTime(const DateTime: TDateTime; var Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, Millisecond : Word); begin DecodeDate(DateTime, Year, Month, Day); DecodeTime(DateTime, Hour, Minute, Second, Millisecond); end; function EncodeDateTime(const Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, Millisecond: Word): TDateTime; begin Result := EncodeDate(Year, Month, Day) + EncodeTime(Hour, Minute, Second, Millisecond); end; {$ENDIF} { } { Encoding } { } procedure SetYear(var D: TDateTime; const Year: Word); var Ye, Mo, Da, Ho, Mi, Se, Ms : Word; begin DecodeDateTime(D, Ye, Mo, Da, Ho, Mi, Se, Ms); D := EncodeDateTime(Year, Mo, Da, Ho, Mi, Se, Ms); end; procedure SetMonth(var D: TDateTime; const Month: Word); var Ye, Mo, Da, Ho, Mi, Se, Ms : Word; begin DecodeDateTime(D, Ye, Mo, Da, Ho, Mi, Se, Ms); D := EncodeDateTime(Ye, Month, Da, Ho, Mi, Se, Ms); end; procedure SetDay(var D: TDateTime; const Day: Word); var Ye, Mo, Da, Ho, Mi, Se, Ms : Word; begin DecodeDateTime(D, Ye, Mo, Da, Ho, Mi, Se, Ms); D := EncodeDateTime(Ye, Mo, Day, Ho, Mi, Se, Ms); end; procedure SetHour(var D: TDateTime; const Hour: Word); var Ye, Mo, Da, Ho, Mi, Se, Ms : Word; begin DecodeDateTime(D, Ye, Mo, Da, Ho, Mi, Se, Ms); D := EncodeDateTime(Ye, Mo, Da, Hour, Mi, Se, Ms); end; procedure SetMinute(var D: TDateTime; const Minute: Word); var Ye, Mo, Da, Ho, Mi, Se, Ms : Word; begin DecodeDateTime(D, Ye, Mo, Da, Ho, Mi, Se, Ms); D := EncodeDateTime(Ye, Mo, Da, Ho, Minute, Se, Ms); end; procedure SetSecond(var D: TDateTime; const Second: Word); var Ye, Mo, Da, Ho, Mi, Se, Ms : Word; begin DecodeDateTime(D, Ye, Mo, Da, Ho, Mi, Se, Ms); D := EncodeDateTime(Ye, Mo, Da, Ho, Mi, Second, Ms); end; procedure SetMillisecond(var D: TDateTime; const Milliseconds: Word); var Ye, Mo, Da, Ho, Mi, Se, Ms : Word; begin DecodeDateTime(D, Ye, Mo, Da, Ho, Mi, Se, Ms); D := EncodeDateTime(Ye, Mo, Da, Ho, Mi, Se, Milliseconds); end; { } { Comparison } { } function IsEqual(const D1, D2: TDateTime): Boolean; begin Result := Abs(D1 - D2) < OneMillisecond; end; function IsEqual(const D1: TDateTime; const Ye, Mo, Da: Word): Boolean; var Ye1, Mo1, Da1 : Word; begin DecodeDate(D1, Ye1, Mo1, Da1); Result := (Da = Da1) and (Mo = Mo1) and (Ye = Ye1); end; function IsEqual(const D1: TDateTime; const Ho, Mi, Se, ms: Word): Boolean; var Ho1, Mi1, Se1, ms1 : Word; begin DecodeTime(D1, Ho1, Mi1, Se1, ms1); Result := (ms = ms1) and (Se = Se1) and (Mi = Mi1) and (Ho = Ho1); end; function IsAM(const D: TDateTime): Boolean; begin Result := Frac(D) < 0.5; end; function IsPM(const D: TDateTime): Boolean; begin Result := Frac(D) >= 0.5; end; function IsNoon(const D: TDateTime): Boolean; begin Result := Abs(Frac(D) - 0.5) < OneMillisecond; end; function IsMidnight(const D: TDateTime): Boolean; var T : Extended; begin T := Frac(D); Result := (T < OneMillisecond) or (T > 1.0 - OneMillisecond); end; function IsSunday(const D: TDateTime): Boolean; begin Result := DayOfWeek(D) = 1; end; function IsMonday(const D: TDateTime): Boolean; begin Result := DayOfWeek(D) = 2; end; function IsTuesday(const D: TDateTime): Boolean; begin Result := DayOfWeek(D) = 3; end; function IsWedneday(const D: TDateTime): Boolean; begin Result := DayOfWeek(D) = 4; end; function IsThursday(const D: TDateTime): Boolean; begin Result := DayOfWeek(D) = 5; end; function IsFriday(const D: TDateTime): Boolean; begin Result := DayOfWeek(D) = 6; end; function IsSaturday(const D: TDateTime): Boolean; begin Result := DayOfWeek(D) = 7; end; function IsWeekend(const D: TDateTime): Boolean; begin Result := Byte(DayOfWeek(D)) in [1, 7]; end; { } { Relative calculations } { } function Noon(const D: TDateTime): TDateTime; begin Result := Int(D) + 0.5 * OneDay; end; function Midnight(const D: TDateTime): TDateTime; var Ye, Mo, Da : Word; begin DecodeDate(D, Ye, Mo, Da); Result := EncodeDate(Ye, Mo, Da); end; function NextWorkday(const D: TDateTime): TDateTime; begin Case DayOfWeek(D) of 1..5 : Result := Trunc(D) + OneDay; // 1..5 Sun..Thu 6 : Result := Trunc(D) + 3 * OneDay; // 6 Fri else Result := Trunc(D) + 2 * OneDay; // 7 Sat end; end; function PreviousWorkday(const D: TDateTime): TDateTime; begin Case DayOfWeek(D) of 1 : Result := Trunc(D) - 2 * OneDay; // 1 Sun 2 : Result := Trunc(D) - 3 * OneDay; // 2 Mon else Result := Trunc(D) - OneDay; // 3..7 Tue-Sat end; end; function LastDayOfMonth(const D: TDateTime): TDateTime; var Ye, Mo, Da : Word; begin DecodeDate(D, Ye, Mo, Da); Result := EncodeDate(Ye, Mo, Word(DaysInMonth(Ye, Mo))); end; function FirstDayOfMonth(const D: TDateTime): TDateTime; var Ye, Mo, Da : Word; begin DecodeDate(D, Ye, Mo, Da); Result := EncodeDate(Ye, Mo, 1); end; function LastDayOfYear(const D: TDateTime): TDateTime; var Ye, Mo, Da : Word; begin DecodeDate(D, Ye, Mo, Da); Result := EncodeDate(Ye, 12, 31); end; function FirstDayOfYear(const D: TDateTime): TDateTime; var Ye, Mo, Da : Word; begin DecodeDate(D, Ye, Mo, Da); Result := EncodeDate(Ye, 1, 1); end; { This algorithm comes from http://www.tondering.dk/claus/calendar.html: } { " This algorithm is based in part on the algorithm of Oudin (1940) as } { quoted in "Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Almanac", } { P. Kenneth Seidelmann, editor. } { People who want to dig into the workings of this algorithm, may be } { interested to know that } { G is the Golden Number-1 } { H is 23-Epact (modulo 30) } { I is the number of days from 21 March to the Paschal full moon } { J is the weekday for the Paschal full moon (0=Sunday, 1=Monday,etc.) } { L is the number of days from 21 March to the Sunday on or before } { the Paschal full moon (a number between -6 and 28) " } function EasterSunday(const Year: Word): TDateTime; var C, I, J, H, G, L : Integer; D, M : Word; begin G := Year mod 19; C := Year div 100; H := (C - C div 4 - (8 * C + 13) div 25 + 19 * G + 15) mod 30; I := H - (H div 28) * (1 - (H div 28) * (29 div (H + 1)) * ((21 - G) div 11)); J := (Year + Year div 4 + I + 2 - C + C div 4) mod 7; L := I - J; M := 3 + (L + 40) div 44; D := L + 28 - 31 * (M div 4); Result := EncodeDate(Year, M, D); end; function GoodFriday(const Year: Word): TDateTime; begin Result := EasterSunday(Year) - 2 * OneDay; end; function AddMilliseconds(const D: TDateTime; const N: Int64): TDateTime; begin Result := D + OneMillisecond * N; end; function AddSeconds(const D: TDateTime; const N: Int64): TDateTime; begin Result := D + OneSecond * N; end; function AddMinutes(const D: TDateTime; const N: Integer): TDateTime; begin Result := D + OneMinute * N; end; function AddHours(const D: TDateTime; const N: Integer): TDateTime; begin Result := D + OneHour * N; end; function AddDays(const D: TDateTime; const N: Integer): TDateTime; begin Result := D + N; end; function AddWeeks(const D: TDateTime; const N: Integer): TDateTime; begin Result := D + N * 7 * OneDay; end; function AddMonths(const D: TDateTime; const N: Integer): TDateTime; var Ye, Mo, Da : Word; IMo : Integer; begin DecodeDate(D, Ye, Mo, Da); Inc(Ye, N div 12); IMo := Mo; Inc(IMo, N mod 12); if IMo > 12 then begin Dec(IMo, 12); Inc(Ye); end else if IMo < 1 then begin Inc(IMo, 12); Dec(Ye); end; Mo := Word(IMo); Da := Word(MinI(Da, DaysInMonth(Ye, Mo))); Result := EncodeDate(Ye, Mo, Da) + Frac(D); end; function AddYears(const D: TDateTime; const N: Integer): TDateTime; var Ye, Mo, Da : Word; begin DecodeDate(D, Ye, Mo, Da); Inc(Ye, N); Da := Word(MinI(Da, DaysInMonth(Ye, Mo))); Result := EncodeDate(Ye, Mo, Da); end; { } { Counting } { } const DaysInNonLeapMonth : Array[1..12] of Integer = ( 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31); CumDaysInNonLeapMonth : Array[1..12] of Integer = ( 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334); function DayOfYear(const Ye, Mo, Da: Word): Integer; overload; begin Result := CumDaysInNonLeapMonth[Mo] + Da; if (Mo > 2) and IsLeapYear(Ye) then Inc(Result); end; function DayOfYear(const D: TDateTime): Integer; overload; var Ye, Mo, Da : Word; begin DecodeDate(D, Ye, Mo, Da); Result := DayOfYear(Ye, Mo, Da); end; function DaysInMonth(const Ye, Mo: Word): Integer; begin Result := DaysInNonLeapMonth[Mo]; if (Mo = 2) and IsLeapYear(Ye) then Inc(Result); end; function DaysInMonth(const D: TDateTime): Integer; var Ye, Mo, Da : Word; begin DecodeDate(D, Ye, Mo, Da); Result := DaysInMonth(Ye, Mo); end; function DaysInYear(const Ye: Word): Integer; begin if IsLeapYear(Ye) then Result := 366 else Result := 365; end; function DaysInYearDate(const D: TDateTime): Integer; var Ye, Mo, Da : Word; begin DecodeDate(D, Ye, Mo, Da); Result := DaysInYear(Ye); end; function WeekNumber(const D: TDateTime): Integer; begin Result := (DiffDays(FirstDayOfYear(D), D) div 7) + 1; end; { ISO Week functions courtesy of Martin Boonstra (m.boonstra@imn.nl) } function ISOFirstWeekOfYear(const Ye: Word): TDateTime; const WeekStartOffset: Array[1..7] of Integer = (1, 0, -1, -2, -3, 3, 2); // Weekday Start of ISO week 1 is // 1 Su 02-01-Year // 2 Mo 01-01-Year // 3 Tu 31-12-(Year-1) // 4 We 30-12-(Year-1) // 5 Th 29-12-(Year-1) // 6 Fr 04-01-Year // 7 Sa 03-01-Year begin // Adjust with an offset from 01-01-Ye Result := EncodeDate(Ye, 1, 1); Result := AddDays(Result, WeekStartOffset[DayOfWeek(Result)]); end; procedure ISOWeekNumber(const D: TDateTime; var WeekNumber, WeekYear : Word); var Ye : Word; ISOFirstWeekOfPrevYear, ISOFirstWeekOfCurrYear, ISOFirstWeekOfNextYear : TDateTime; begin { 3 cases: } { 1: D < ISOFirstWeekOfCurrYear } { D lies in week 52/53 of previous year } { 2: ISOFirstWeekOfCurrYear <= D < ISOFirstWeekOfNextYear } { D lies in week N (1..52/53) of this year } { 3: D >= ISOFirstWeekOfNextYear } { D lies in week 1 of next year } Ye := Year(D); ISOFirstWeekOfCurrYear := ISOFirstWeekOfYear(Ye); if D >= ISOFirstWeekOfCurrYear then begin ISOFirstWeekOfNextYear := ISOFirstWeekOfYear(Ye + 1); if (D < ISOFirstWeekOfNextYear) then begin // case 2 WeekNumber := DiffDays(ISOFirstWeekOfCurrYear, D) div 7 + 1; WeekYear := Ye; end else begin // case 3 WeekNumber := 1; WeekYear := Ye + 1; end; end else begin // case 1 ISOFirstWeekOfPrevYear := ISOFirstWeekOfYear(Ye - 1); WeekNumber := DiffDays(ISOFirstWeekOfPrevYear, D) div 7 + 1; WeekYear := Ye - 1; end; end; function DateTimeAsISO8601String(const D: TDateTime): String; begin Result := FormatDateTime('yyyymmdd', D) + 'T' + FormatDateTime('hh:nn:ss', D); end; function ISO8601StringAsDateTime(const D: String): TDateTime; var Date, Time : String; Ye, Mo, Da : Word; begin StrSplitAt(UpperCase(D), 'T', Date, Time); Ye := Word(StrToInt(CopyLeft(Date, 4))); Mo := Word(StrToInt(CopyRange(Date, 5, 6))); Da := Word(StrToInt(CopyRange(Date, 7, 8))); Result := EncodeDate(Ye, Mo, Da) + StrToTime(Time); end; { } { Difference } { } function DiffMilliseconds(const D1, D2: TDateTime): Int64; begin Result := Integer(Trunc((D2 - D1) / OneMillisecond)); end; function DiffSeconds(const D1, D2: TDateTime): Integer; begin Result := Integer(Trunc((D2 - D1) / OneSecond)); end; function DiffMinutes(const D1, D2: TDateTime): Integer; begin Result := Integer(Trunc((D2 - D1) / OneMinute)); end; function DiffHours(const D1, D2: TDateTime): Integer; begin Result := Integer(Trunc((D2 - D1) / OneHour)); end; function DiffDays(const D1, D2: TDateTime): Integer; begin Result := Integer(Trunc(D2 - D1)); end; function DiffWeeks(const D1, D2: TDateTime): Integer; begin Result := Trunc(D2 - D1) div 7; end; function DiffMonths(const D1, D2: TDateTime): Integer; var Ye1, Mo1, Da1 : Word; Ye2, Mo2, Da2 : Word; ModMonth1, ModMonth2 : TDateTime; begin DecodeDate(D1, Ye1, Mo1, Da1); DecodeDate(D2, Ye2, Mo2, Da2); Result := (Ye2 - Ye1) * 12 + (Mo2 - Mo1); ModMonth1 := Da1 + Frac(D1); ModMonth2 := Da2 + Frac(D2); if (D2 > D1) and (ModMonth2 < ModMonth1) then Dec(Result); if (D2 < D1) and (ModMonth2 > ModMonth1) then Inc(Result); end; function DiffYears(const D1, D2: TDateTime): Integer; var Ye1, Mo1, Da1 : Word; Ye2, Mo2, Da2 : Word; ModYear1, ModYear2 : TDateTime; begin DecodeDate(D1, Ye1, Mo1, Da1); DecodeDate(D2, Ye2, Mo2, Da2); Result := Ye2 - Ye1; ModYear1 := Mo1 * 31 + Da1 + Frac(Da1); ModYear2 := Mo2 * 31 + Da2 + Frac(Da2); if (D2 > D1) and (ModYear2 < ModYear1) then Dec(Result); if (D2 < D1) and (ModYear2 > ModYear1) then Inc(Result); end; { } { Conversions } { } function DateTimeToANSI(const D: TDateTime): Integer; var Ye, Mo, Da : Word; begin DecodeDate(D, Ye, Mo, Da); Result := Ye * 1000 + DayOfYear(Ye, Mo, Da); end; function ANSIToDateTime(const Julian: Integer): TDateTime; const MaxJulian = $FFFF * 1000 + 366; var DDD : Integer; C, J : Integer; M, Y, I : Word; begin DDD := Julian mod 1000; if (DDD = 0) or (DDD > 366) or (Julian > MaxJulian) then raise EDateTime.Create('Invalid ANSI date format'); Y := Julian div 1000; M := 0; C := 0; For I := 1 to 12 do begin J := DaysInNonLeapMonth[I]; if (I = 2) and IsLeapYear(Y) then Inc(J); Inc(C, J); if C >= DDD then begin M := I; break; end; end; if M = 0 then // DDD > end of year raise EDateTime.Create('Invalid ANSI date format'); Result := EncodeDate(Y, M, DDD - C + J); end; function DateTimeToISOInteger(const D: TDateTime): Integer; var Ye, Mo, Da : Word; begin DecodeDate(D, Ye, Mo, Da); Result := Ye * 10000 + Mo * 100 + Da; end; function DateTimeToISO(const D: TDateTime): String; var Ye, Mo, Da : Word; begin DecodeDate(D, Ye, Mo, Da); Result := IntToStr(Ye) + '-' + PadLeft(IntToStr(Mo), '0', 2) + '-' + PadLeft(IntToStr(Da), '0', 2); end; function ISOIntegerToDateTime(const ISOInteger: Integer): TDateTime; var Ye, Mo, Da : Word; begin Ye := ISOInteger div 10000; Mo := (ISOInteger mod 10000) div 100; if (Mo < 1) or (Mo > 12) then raise EDateTime.Create('Invalid ISO Integer date format'); Da := ISOInteger mod 100; if (Da < 1) or (Da > DaysInMonth(Ye, Mo)) then raise EDateTime.Create('Invalid ISO Integer date format'); Result := EncodeDate(Ye, Mo, Da); end; function TwoDigitRadix2000YearToYear(const Y: Integer): Integer; begin if Y < 50 then Result := 2000 + Y else Result := 1900 + Y; end; function DateTimeAsElapsedTime(const D: TDateTime; const IncludeMilliseconds: Boolean): String; var I : Int64; begin I := Trunc(D); if I > 0 then Result := IntToStr(I) + '.' else Result := ''; Result := Result + IntToStr(Hour(D)) + ':' + PadLeft(IntToStr(Minute(D)), '0', 2) + ':' + PadLeft(IntToStr(Second(D)), '0', 2); if IncludeMilliseconds then Result := Result + '.' + PadLeft(IntToStr(Millisecond(D)), '0', 3); end; { } { Time Zone } { } { Returns the GMT bias (in minutes) from the operating system's regional } { settings. } function GMTBias : Integer; var TZI : TTimeZoneInformation; begin if GetTimeZoneInformation(TZI) = TIME_ZONE_ID_DAYLIGHT then Result := TZI.DaylightBias else Result := 0; Result := Result + TZI.Bias; end; { Converts GMT Time to Local Time } function GMTTimeToLocalTime(const D: TDateTime): TDateTime; begin Result := D - GMTBias / (24.0 * 60.0); end; { Converts Local Time to GMT Time } function LocalTimeToGMTTime(const D: TDateTime): TDateTime; begin Result := D + GMTBias / (24.0 * 60.0); end; function NowAsGMTTime: TDateTime; begin Result := LocalTimeToGMTTime(Now); end; { } { RFC DateTime } { } const RFC850DayNames : Array[1..7] of String = ( 'Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'); RFC1123DayNames : Array[1..7] of String = ( 'Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'); RFCMonthNames : Array[1..12] of String = ( 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'); function RFC850DayOfWeek(const S: String): Integer; var I : Integer; begin For I := 1 to 7 do if StrEqualNoCase(RFC850DayNames[I], S) then begin Result := I; exit; end; Result := -1; end; function RFC1123DayOfWeek(const S: String): Integer; var I : Integer; begin For I := 1 to 7 do if StrEqualNoCase(RFC1123DayNames[I], S) then begin Result := I; exit; end; Result := -1; end; function RFCMonth(const S: String): Word; var I : Word; begin For I := 1 to 12 do if StrEqualNoCase(RFCMonthNames[I], S) then begin Result := I; exit; end; Result := 0; end; function GMTTimeToRFC1123Time(const D: TDateTime; const IncludeSeconds: Boolean): String; var Ho, Mi, Se, Ms : Word; begin DecodeTime(D, Ho, Mi, Se, Ms); Result := PadLeft(IntToStr(Ho), '0', 2) + ':' + PadLeft(IntToStr(Mi), '0', 2); if IncludeSeconds then Result := Result + ':' + PadLeft(IntToStr(Se), '0', 2); Result := Result + ' GMT'; end; function GMTDateTimeToRFC1123DateTime(const D: TDateTime; const IncludeDayOfWeek: Boolean): String; var Ye, Mo, Da : Word; begin DecodeDate(D, Ye, Mo, Da); if IncludeDayOfWeek then Result := RFC1123DayNames[DayOfWeek(D)] + ', ' else Result := ''; Result := Result + PadLeft(IntToStr(Da), '0', 2) + ' ' + RFCMonthNames[Mo] + ' ' + IntToStr(Ye) + ' ' + GMTTimeToRFC1123Time(D, True); end; function DateTimeToRFCDateTime(const D: TDateTime): String; begin Result := GMTDateTimeToRFC1123DateTime(LocalTimeToGMTTime(D), True); end; function RFCTimeZoneToGMTBias(const Zone: String): Integer; type TZoneBias = record Zone : String; Bias : Integer; end; const SPACE = csWhiteSpace; TimeZones = 35; ZoneBias : Array[1..TimeZones] of TZoneBias = ((Zone:'GMT'; Bias:0), (Zone:'UT'; Bias:0), (Zone:'EST'; Bias:-5*60), (Zone:'EDT'; Bias:-4*60), (Zone:'CST'; Bias:-6*60), (Zone:'CDT'; Bias:-5*60), (Zone:'MST'; Bias:-7*60), (Zone:'MDT'; Bias:-6*60), (Zone:'PST'; Bias:-8*60), (Zone:'PDT'; Bias:-7*60), (Zone:'Z'; Bias:0), (Zone:'A'; Bias:-1*60), (Zone:'B'; Bias:-2*60), (Zone:'C'; Bias:-3*60), (Zone:'D'; Bias:-4*60), (Zone:'E'; Bias:-5*60), (Zone:'F'; Bias:-6*60), (Zone:'G'; Bias:-7*60), (Zone:'H'; Bias:-8*60), (Zone:'I'; Bias:-9*60), (Zone:'K'; Bias:-10*60), (Zone:'L'; Bias:-11*60), (Zone:'M'; Bias:-12*60), (Zone:'N'; Bias:1*60), (Zone:'O'; Bias:2*60), (Zone:'P'; Bias:3*60), (Zone:'Q'; Bias:4*60), (Zone:'R'; Bias:3*60), (Zone:'S'; Bias:6*60), (Zone:'T'; Bias:3*60), (Zone:'U'; Bias:8*60), (Zone:'V'; Bias:3*60), (Zone:'W'; Bias:10*60), (Zone:'X'; Bias:3*60), (Zone:'Y'; Bias:12*60)); var S : String; I : Integer; begin if Zone[1] in ['+', '-'] then // +hhmm format begin S := Trim(Zone, SPACE); Result := MaxI(-23, MinI(23, StrToIntDef(Copy(S, 2, 2), 0))) * 60; S := CopyFrom(S, 4); if S <> '' then Result := Result + MinI(59, MaxI(0, StrToIntDef(S, 0))); if Zone[1] = '-' then Result := -Result; end else begin // named format S := Trim(Zone, SPACE); For I := 1 to TimeZones do if StrEqualNoCase(ZoneBias[I].Zone, S) then begin Result := ZoneBias[I].Bias; exit; end; Result := 0; end; end; procedure RFCTimeToGMTTime(const S: String; var Hours, Minutes, Seconds: Integer); const SPACE = csWhiteSpace; var I : Integer; T : String; Bias, HH, MM, SS : Integer; U : StringArray; begin U := nil; Hours := 0; Minutes := 0; Seconds := 0; T := Trim(S, SPACE); if T = '' then exit; // Get Zone bias I := PosCharRev(SPACE, T); if I > 0 then begin Bias := RFCTimeZoneToGMTBias(CopyFrom(T, I + 1)); T := Trim(CopyLeft(T, I - 1), SPACE); end else Bias := 0; // Get time U := StrSplit(T, ':'); if (Length(U) = 1) and (Length(U[0]) = 4) then begin // old hhmm format HH := StrToIntDef(Copy(U[0], 1, 2), 0); MM := StrToIntDef(Copy(U[0], 3, 2), 0); SS := 0; end else if (Length(U) >= 2) or (Length(U) <= 3) then // hh:mm[:ss] format (RFC1123) begin HH := StrToIntDef(Trim(U[0], SPACE), 0); MM := StrToIntDef(Trim(U[1], SPACE), 0); if Length(U) = 3 then SS := StrToIntDef(Trim(U[2], SPACE), 0) else SS := 0; end else exit; Hours := MaxI(0, MinI(23, HH)); Minutes := MaxI(0, MinI(59, MM)); Seconds := MaxI(0, MinI(59, SS)); Inc(Hours, Bias div 60); Inc(Minutes, Bias mod 60); end; function EncodeBiasedDateTime(const Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second: Integer): TDateTime; var Ho, Mi : Integer; begin Result := EncodeDate(Word(Year), Word(Month), Word(Day)); Ho := Hour; Mi := Minute; if Mi < 0 then begin Inc(Mi, 60); Dec(Ho); end; if Ho < 0 then begin Inc(Ho, 24); Result := AddDays(Result, -1); end; Result := Result + EncodeTime(Word(Ho), Word(Mi), Word(Second), 0); end; function RFCDateTimeToGMTDateTime(const S: String): TDateTime; const SPACE = csWhiteSpace; var T, U : String; I : Integer; D, M, Y, DOW, Ho, Mi, Se : Integer; V, W : StringArray; begin Result := 0.0; W := nil; T := Trim(S, SPACE); // Extract Day of week I := PosChar(SPACE + [','], T); if I > 0 then begin U := CopyLeft(T, I - 1); DOW := RFC850DayOfWeek(U); if DOW = -1 then DOW := RFC1123DayOfWeek(U); if DOW <> -1 then T := Trim(CopyFrom(S, I + 1), SPACE); end; V := StrSplitChar(T, SPACE); if Length(V) < 3 then exit; if Pos('-', V[0]) > 0 then // RFC850 date, eg "Sunday, 06-Nov-94 08:49:37 GMT" begin W := StrSplitChar(V[0], '-'); if Length(W) <> 3 then exit; M := RFCMonth(W[1]); if M = 0 then exit; D := StrToIntDef(W[0], 0); Y := StrToIntDef(W[2], 0); if Y < 100 then Y := TwoDigitRadix2000YearToYear(Y); RFCTimeToGMTTime(V[1] + ' ' + V[2], Ho, Mi, Se); Result := EncodeBiasedDateTime(Y, M, D, Ho, Mi, Se); exit; end; M := RFCMonth(V[1]); if M >= 1 then // RFC822 date, eg Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT begin D := StrToIntDef(V[0], 0); Y := StrToIntDef(V[2], 0); Ho := 0; Mi := 0; Se := 0; if Length(V) = 4 then RFCTimeToGMTTime(V[3], Ho, Mi, Se) else if Length(V) >= 5 then RFCTimeToGMTTime(V[3] + ' ' + V[4], Ho, Mi, Se); Result := EncodeBiasedDateTime(Y, M, D, Ho, Mi, Se); exit; end; M := RFCMonth(V[0]); if M >= 1 then // ANSI C asctime() format, eg "Sun Nov 6 08:49:37 1994" begin D := StrToIntDef(V[1], 0); Y := StrToIntDef(V[3], 0); RFCTimeToGMTTime(V[2], Ho, Mi, Se); Result := EncodeBiasedDateTime(Y, M, D, Ho, Mi, Se); end; end; function RFCDateTimeToDateTime(const S: String): TDateTime; begin Result := GMTTimeToLocalTime(RFCDateTimeToGMTDateTime(S)); end; function NowAsRFCDateTime : String; begin Result := DateTimeToRFCDateTime(Now); end; { } { High-precision timing } { } var HighPrecisionTimerInit : Boolean = False; HighPrecisionMilliFactor : Int64; // millisecond factor HighPrecisionMicroFactor : Int64; // microsecond factor function CPUClockFrequency : Int64; begin if not QueryPerformanceFrequency(Result) then raise EDateTime.Create('High resolution timer not available'); end; procedure InitHighPrecisionTimer; begin HighPrecisionMilliFactor := CPUClockFrequency; HighPrecisionMilliFactor := HighPrecisionMilliFactor div 1000; HighPrecisionMicroFactor := CPUClockFrequency; HighPrecisionMicroFactor := HighPrecisionMicroFactor div 1000000; HighPrecisionTimerInit := True; end; function StartTimer : Int64; begin if not HighPrecisionTimerInit then InitHighPrecisionTimer; QueryPerformanceCounter(Result); end; function MillisecondsElapsed(const Timer: Int64; const TimerRunning: Boolean = True): Integer; var I : Int64; begin if not HighPrecisionTimerInit then InitHighPrecisionTimer; if not TimerRunning then Result := Timer div HighPrecisionMilliFactor else begin QueryPerformanceCounter(I); {$IFDEF DELPHI5} {$Q-} Result := (I - Timer) div HighPrecisionMilliFactor; {$ELSE} Result := Int64(I - Timer) div HighPrecisionMilliFactor; {$ENDIF} end; end; function MicrosecondsElapsed(const Timer: Int64; const TimerRunning: Boolean = True): Integer; var I : Int64; begin if not HighPrecisionTimerInit then InitHighPrecisionTimer; if not TimerRunning then Result := Timer div HighPrecisionMicroFactor else begin QueryPerformanceCounter(I); {$IFDEF DELPHI5} {$Q-} Result := (I - Timer) div HighPrecisionMicroFactor; {$ELSE} Result := Int64(I - Timer) div HighPrecisionMicroFactor; {$ENDIF} end; end; procedure StopTimer(var Timer : Int64); var I : Int64; begin QueryPerformanceCounter(I); {$IFDEF DELPHI5} {$Q-} Timer := I - Timer; {$ELSE} Timer := Int64(I - Timer); {$ENDIF} end; procedure ResumeTimer(var StoppedTimer : Int64); begin StoppedTimer := Int64(StartTimer - StoppedTimer); end; function StoppedTimer : Int64; begin if not HighPrecisionTimerInit then InitHighPrecisionTimer; Result := 0; end; function ElapsedTimer(const Milliseconds: Integer): THPTimer; var I : Int64; begin if not HighPrecisionTimerInit then InitHighPrecisionTimer; QueryPerformanceCounter(I); {$IFDEF DELPHI5} {$Q-} Result := I - (Milliseconds * HighPrecisionMilliFactor); {$ELSE} Result := Int64(I - (Milliseconds * HighPrecisionMilliFactor)); {$ENDIF} end; procedure DelayMicroSeconds(const MicroSeconds: Integer); var I, J, F : Int64; begin if MicroSeconds <= 0 then exit; if not HighPrecisionTimerInit then InitHighPrecisionTimer; if not QueryPerformanceCounter(I) then exit; {$IFDEF DELPHI5} {$Q-} F := MicroSeconds * HighPrecisionMicroFactor; Repeat QueryPerformanceCounter(J); J := J - I; Until J >= F; {$ELSE} F := Int64(MicroSeconds * HighPrecisionMicroFactor); Repeat QueryPerformanceCounter(J); Until Int64(J - I) >= F; {$ENDIF} end; { } { Natural language } { } function TimePeriodStr(const D: TDateTime): String; var E : TDateTime; I : Integer; begin E := Abs(D); if E < OneMillisecond then Result := '' else if E >= OneWeek then begin I := Trunc(D / OneWeek); if I = 1 then Result := 'a week' else Result := IntToStr(I) + ' weeks'; end else if E >= OneDay then begin I := Trunc(D / OneDay); if I = 1 then Result := 'a day' else Result := IntToStr(I) + ' days'; end else if E >= OneHour then begin I := Trunc(D / OneHour); if I = 1 then Result := 'an hour' else Result := IntToStr(I) + ' hours'; end else if E >= OneMinute then begin I := Trunc(D / OneMinute); if I = 1 then Result := 'a minute' else Result := IntToStr(I) + ' minutes'; end else begin I := Trunc(D / OneSecond); if I = 1 then Result := 'a second' else Result := IntToStr(I) + ' seconds'; end; end; { } { Self testing code } { } {$ASSERTIONS ON} procedure SelfTest; var A, B : TDateTime; Ye, Mo, Da, Ho, Mi, Se, Ms : Word; Ye2, Mo2, Da2, Ho2, Mi2, Se2, Ms2 : Word; S : String; begin Ho := 7; Mi := 10; Da := 8; Ms := 3; For Ye := 1999 to 2001 do For Mo := 1 to 12 do For Se := 0 to 59 do begin A := EncodeDateTime(Ye, Mo, Da, Ho, Mi, Se, Ms); DecodeDateTime(A, Ye2, Mo2, Da2, Ho2, Mi2, Se2, Ms2); Assert(Ye = Ye2, 'DecodeDate'); Assert(Mo = Mo2, 'DecodeDate'); Assert(Da = Da2, 'DecodeDate'); Assert(Ho = Ho2, 'DecodeDate'); Assert(Mi = Mi2, 'DecodeDate'); Assert(Se = Se2, 'DecodeDate'); Assert(Ms = Ms2, 'DecodeDate'); Assert(Year(A) = Ye, 'Year'); Assert(Month(A) = Mo, 'Month'); Assert(Day(A) = Da, 'Day'); Assert(Hour(A) = Ho, 'Hour'); Assert(Minute(A) = Mi, 'Minute'); Assert(Second(A) = Se, 'Second'); Assert(Millisecond(A) = Ms, 'Millisecond'); end; A := EncodeDateTime(2002, 05, 31, 07, 04, 01, 02); Assert(IsEqual(A, 2002, 05, 31), 'IsEqual'); Assert(IsEqual(A, 07, 04, 01, 02), 'IsEqual'); Assert(IsFriday(A), 'IsFriday'); Assert(not IsMonday(A), 'IsMonday'); A := AddWeeks(A, 2); Assert(IsEqual(A, 2002, 06, 14), 'AddWeeks'); A := AddHours(A, 2); Assert(IsEqual(A, 09, 04, 01, 02), 'AddHours'); A := EncodeDateTime(2004, 03, 01, 0, 0, 0, 0); Assert(DayOfYear(A) = 61, 'DayOfYear'); Assert(DaysInMonth(2004, 02) = 29, 'DaysInMonth'); Assert(DaysInMonth(2005, 02) = 28, 'DaysInMonth'); Assert(DaysInMonth(2001, 01) = 31, 'DaysInMonth'); Assert(DaysInYear(2000) = 366, 'DaysInYear'); Assert(DaysInYear(2004) = 366, 'DaysInYear'); Assert(DaysInYear(2006) = 365, 'DaysInYear'); A := EncodeDateTime(2001, 09, 02, 12, 11, 10, 0); S := GMTTimeToRFC1123Time(A, True); Assert(S = '12:11:10 GMT'); {$IFNDEF FREEPASCAL} // Weird bug with FreePascal S := GMTDateTimeToRFC1123DateTime(A, True); Assert(S = 'Sun, 02 Sep 2001 12:11:10 GMT', 'GMTDateTimeToRFC1123DateTime'); For Ye := 1999 to 2004 do For Mo := 1 to 2 do For Da := 1 to 2 do For Ho := 0 to 23 do begin A := EncodeDateTime(Ye, Mo, Da, Ho, 11, 10, 0); S := GMTDateTimeToRFC1123DateTime(A, True); B := RFCDateTimeToGMTDateTime(S); Assert(IsEqual(A, B), 'RFCDateTimeToGMTDateTime'); end; {$ENDIF} end; end.